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Ques­ti­ons and answers:

  1. When will my order be delivered?
  2. Is deli­very to a pack­ing sta­ti­on also possible?
  3. Are the­re ship­ping costs?
  4. What do I have to do if my deli­very address has changed?
  5. Do you also have express shipping?
  6. Is the packa­ge dis­creet­ly packed?
  7. My deli­very was deli­ver­ed incomplete?
  8. What if I’m not home when the deli­very arrives?
  9. 30 days money back guarantee
  1. When will my order be delivered?

    When your order has left the warehouse, you will recei­ve a ship­ping con­fir­ma­ti­on with a track­ing num­ber. So you know exact­ly whe­re your order is and when it will be deli­ver­ed. Your order will arri­ve within 3–4 days.

  2. Is deli­very to a pack­ing sta­ti­on also possible?

    Yes, we also deli­ver to pack­ing sta­ti­ons. Sim­ply enter the post num­ber and your post office num­ber in the address.

  3. Are the­re ship­ping costs?

    No, ship­ping is free of char­ge for you and is car­ri­ed out in a cli­ma­te-neu­tral man­ner.
    We curr­ent­ly only deli­ver to Ger­ma­ny. Other count­ries on request.

  4. What do I have to do if my address has changed?

    Then you can sim­ply chan­ge your deli­very address under “My Account”.

  5. Do you also have express shipping?

    Unfort­u­na­te­ly, express ship­ping is curr­ent­ly not available. We are working on making this type of ship­ping pos­si­ble for you.

  6. Is the packa­ge dis­creet­ly packed?

    Yes, we deli­ver your orders to you in dis­creet brown boxes/envelopes.

  7. My deli­very was deli­ver­ed incomplete?

    If you have recei­ved an incom­ple­te or even wrong deli­very, we would like to apo­lo­gi­ze in advan­ce. In such a case, plea­se cont­act our email address . We will take care of a repla­ce­ment deli­very immediately.

  8. What if I’m not home when the deli­very arrives?

    If you are gene­ral­ly dif­fi­cult to reach at home, we offer you the opti­on of having your order deli­ver­ed to a dif­fe­rent deli­very address (e.g. to your place of work or fri­ends) or to spe­ci­fy a sto­rage loca­ti­on in the orde­ring pro­cess. Howe­ver, in most cases, our enve­lo­pe with the oils fits into any usu­al mail­box. (Except for textiles, lotions, etc.)

  9. refund war­ran­ty

    You can return the recei­ved goods to us within 14 days. The peri­od beg­ins on the day on which the goods were deli­ver­ed to you or an aut­ho­ri­zed per­son. Sin­ce our pro­ducts are meant to be taken, they can only be taken back for hygie­nic reasons if they are retur­ned to us unope­ned in their ori­gi­nal pack­a­ging. You bear the cos­ts for the return yours­elf. Con­sign­ments sent freight coll­ect will not be accept­ed. We will refund your full pay­ment within 14 days. The refund will be made using the same means of pay­ment that you used to pay for the order. The repay­ment peri­od beg­ins when the ship­ment with all items has rea­ched us unope­ned at our com­pa­ny headquarters.

    You can find more infor­ma­ti­on here: Right of with­dra­wal