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Pay­ment Methods  We offer you the fol­lo­wing pay­ment options: 


- Bank trans­fer (pre­pay­ment)

- Klar­na, (instant bank trans­fer, direct debit or on account)


  • 1. What are the bank details for an order in advance?
  • 2. Will my cre­dit card details be saved?
  • 3. can I pay with Klarna?
  • 4. Are the­re dis­counts or pro­mo­tio­nal prices?

1. What are the bank details for an order in advance?

Coastal CBD UG
IBAN: DE 59 2175 0000 0166 1553 09

For the inten­ded pur­po­se , plea­se enter your order num­ber . As a rule, a trans­fer takes bet­ween 1 and a maxi­mum of 3 working days. As soon as we have recei­ved your pay­ment on our account, you will be noti­fied by email. Your order will nor­mal­ly be dis­patched the same day.
Note for invoice purcha­ses: You will recei­ve a sepa­ra­te invoice for this. Purcha­se on account / install­ments is pro­ces­sed through our part­ner Klarna.

2. Will my cre­dit card details be saved?

no . Your cre­dit card data is encrypt­ed and trans­mit­ted to the respec­ti­ve bank.

3. can I pay with Klarna?

Cle­ar­ly: YES , this works very sim­ply at the end of your order, here you can then choo­se how you want to pay.

4. Are the­re dis­counts or pro­mo­tio­nal prices?

Yes, we have a per­ma­nent 3 for 2 pro­mo­ti­on for all full spec­trum and iso­la­te oils. That means you pay 2 and get 3 . This appli­es to all 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% oils. This is a good idea becau­se you should use all natu­ral pro­ducts for at least 6–12 weeks.
We also have pro­mo­ti­ons that chan­ge every month, so it’s best to fol­low us on social media like Insta­gram or Face­book. Here we will inform you regularly!
You can find us here: