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  • 1. Scope
  • 2. Con­trac­ting Party
  • 3. Con­clu­si­on of contract
  • 4. Right of Withdrawal
  • 5. Pri­ces and ship­ping costs
  • 6. Deli­very
  • 7. Pay­ment
  • 8. Reten­ti­on of Title
  • 9. Dis­pu­te Resolution
  • 10. Age con­trac­tor

Terms of Service

  • 1. Scope
    The­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons (GTC) app­ly to all deli­veries from Kues­ten CBD UG (her­ein­af­ter Kues­ten CBD) to con­su­mers.
    A con­su­mer is any natu­ral per­son who enters into a legal tran­sac­tion for a pur­po­se that is pre­do­mi­nant­ly neither com­mer­cial nor self-employed.
  • 2. Con­trac­ting Par­ty
    The purcha­se con­tract is con­cluded with Kues­ten CBD UG, owner: Simon Forbs, Am Ehren­hain 6a, 25866 Mild­stedt, com­mer­cial regis­ter: HRB 15305 FL
  • The buy­er must neces­s­a­ri­ly have com­ple­ted the age of 18!
  • 3. Con­clu­si­on of contract
    • The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ducts in the online shop does not con­sti­tu­te a legal­ly bin­ding offer, but only an invi­ta­ti­on to place an order.
    • By cli­cking the button[Kaufen/kostenpflichtig bestel­len] place a bin­ding order for the goods lis­ted on the order page. Your purcha­se con­tract is con­cluded when we accept your order with an order con­fir­ma­ti­on email imme­dia­te­ly after receipt of your order.
    • The buy­er must be at least 18 years old.
  • 4. Right of Withdrawal
    • If you are a con­su­mer (i.e. a natu­ral per­son who places the order for a pur­po­se that can­not be attri­bu­ted to your com­mer­cial or self-employ­ed pro­fes­sio­nal acti­vi­ty), you have a right of with­dra­wal in accordance with the sta­tu­to­ry provisions.
    • If you, as a con­su­mer, make use of your right of with­dra­wal accor­ding to Sec­tion 4.1, you have to bear the regu­lar cos­ts of the return.
    • For the rest, the regu­la­ti­ons that are repro­du­ced in detail in the fol­lo­wing app­ly to the right of with­dra­wal

      Can­cel­la­ti­on policy¹

      right of withdrawal

      right of withdrawal

      You have the right to with­draw from this con­tract within four­teen days wit­hout giving any reason.

      The can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od is four­teen days from the day on which you or a third par­ty named by you who is not the car­ri­er took pos­ses­si­on of the last goods.

      To exer­cise your right of with­dra­wal, you must inform us (Küsten CBD UG, Neu­stadt 15, 25813 Husum) by means of a clear decla­ra­ti­on (e.g. a let­ter or e‑mail sent by post) of your decis­i­on to with­draw from this con­tract. You can use the atta­ched sam­ple revo­ca­ti­on form for this, but this is not mandatory.

      To meet the can­cel­la­ti­on dead­line, it is suf­fi­ci­ent for you to send the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on regar­ding your exer­cise of the right of can­cel­la­ti­on befo­re the can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od has expired.

      Con­se­quen­ces of revocation

      If you revo­ke this con­tract, we have paid you all pay­ments that we have recei­ved from you, inclu­ding the deli­very cos­ts (with the excep­ti­on of the addi­tio­nal cos­ts resul­ting from the fact that you have cho­sen a dif­fe­rent type of deli­very than the che­a­pest stan­dard deli­very offe­red by us have), imme­dia­te­ly and at the latest within four­teen days from the day on which we recei­ved the noti­fi­ca­ti­on of your can­cel­la­ti­on of this con­tract. For this repay­ment, we use the same means of pay­ment that you used in the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless some­thing else was express­ly agreed with you; under no cir­cum­s­tances will you be char­ged fees for this repay­ment. We may refu­se repay­ment until we have recei­ved the goods back or until you have pro­vi­ded pro­of that you have retur­ned the goods, whi­che­ver is ear­lier. Sin­ce our pro­ducts are meant to be taken, they can only be taken back for hygie­nic reasons if they are retur­ned to us unope­ned in their ori­gi­nal packaging.

      You must return or hand over the goods to us imme­dia­te­ly and in any case no later than four­teen days from the day on which you inform us of the can­cel­la­ti­on of this con­tract. The dead­line is met if you send back the goods befo­re the peri­od of four­teen days has expi­red. You are only lia­ble for any dimi­nis­hed value of the goods resul­ting from the hand­ling other than what is neces­sa­ry to estab­lish the natu­re, cha­rac­te­ristics and func­tio­ning of the goods.

  • 5. Pri­ces and ship­ping costs
    • The pri­ces sta­ted on the pro­duct pages include sta­tu­to­ry VAT and other pri­ce components.
  • 6. Deli­very
    • Deli­very is free of char­ge only within Ger­ma­ny with DHL.
    • The deli­very time is up to 3 days. Any devia­ting deli­very times are indi­ca­ted on the respec­ti­ve pro­duct page.
    • Ship­ping cos­ts for other count­ries within the EU are bet­ween 15,- to 30,- € depen­ding on size and country.
  • 7. Pay­ment
    • You can choo­se to pay in advance 
    • If you choo­se the pay­ment method in advan­ce, we will give you our bank details in the order con­fir­ma­ti­on and deli­ver the goods after receipt of payment.
  • 8. Reten­ti­on of Title
    • The goods remain our pro­per­ty until full pay­ment has been made.
  • 9. Dis­pu­te Reso­lu­ti­on
    The EU Com­mis­si­on has crea­ted an inter­net plat­form for the online sett­le­ment of dis­pu­tes. The plat­form ser­ves as a point of cont­act for the out-of-court sett­le­ment of dis­pu­tes rela­ting to con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons ari­sing from online sales con­tracts. More infor­ma­ti­on is available at the fol­lo­wing link: We are neither wil­ling nor obli­ged to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a dis­pu­te sett­le­ment pro­ce­du­re befo­re a con­su­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.
  • 10. age of the con­trac­ting par­ty It is com­pul­so­ry for the buy­er to have rea­ched the age of 18.