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CBD Infothek 


CBD ques­ti­ons and answers:

  1. What is CBD ?
  2. Why CBD / are­as of application?
  3. How do I take CBD drops or give them to my pet?
  4. How long does it take for the drops to work and how long does the effect last?
  5. Which dosa­ge should I choose?
  6. How long should I con­su­me CBD products?
  7. Who should­n’t use CBD products?
  8. What are full spec­trum CBD oils?
  9. What are CBD capsules?
  10. What is the entou­ra­ge effect?
  11. What is MCT car­ri­er oil?
  12. What are cannabinoids?
  13. What are terpenes?
  1. What is CBD?

    CBD stands for can­na­bi­di­ol. CBD is one of over 100 dif­fe­rent can­na­bi­no­ids that are found in the hemp plant and thus affect the human ner­vous sys­tem. In con­trast to THC, it is not into­xi­ca­ting. The so-cal­led endo­can­na­bi­no­id sys­tem is respon­si­ble for the effect of the­se two can­na­bi­no­ids in the body. Dogs, cats and hor­ses also have such an endo­can­na­bi­no­id sys­tem. CBD can have a cal­ming and anxio­ly­tic effect.

    While CBD and THC are deri­ved from the same plant, it’s important to note that they’­re not the same! Tetra­hy­dro­can­na­bi­nol, or THC, is ano­ther can­na­bi­no­id found in many strains of hemp that has an into­xi­ca­ting effect. The plant thus pro­tects its­elf from pos­si­ble dan­gers. Howe­ver, this THC is respon­si­ble for the psy­choac­ti­ve, into­xi­ca­ting effect of can­na­bis. So, CBD does­n’t get you high!

  2. Why CBD / are­as of application?

    The fol­lo­wing posi­ti­ve effects of CBD are pos­si­ble:
    - Reli­ef of chro­nic or acu­te pain
    - Reli­ef from migrai­nes
    - Reli­ef from insom­nia
    - reso­lu­ti­on of con­vul­si­ons (epi­le­psy)
    - Reli­ef from back and joint pain
    - Alle­via­ti­on of side effects of Par­kin­son’s dise­a­se
    - Reli­ef from mens­tru­al cramps
    - Assis­tance with diges­ti­on / con­s­ti­pa­ti­on
    - Reli­e­ving skin diseases

  3. How do I take CBD?

    The most com­mon way to take our CBD aro­ma oil drops is to take them oral­ly. Depen­ding on the desi­red dosa­ge / need.

  4. How long does it take for the drops to work and how long does the effect last?

    The drops should be taken after a meal and left under the ton­gue for about 60 seconds — do not swal­low!
    It is then absor­bed through the mucous mem­bra­nes and blood­stream. It can take any­whe­re from 30 minu­tes to 1.5 hours for the effects to kick in. Dura­ti­on of effect can last about 4–6 hours.

  5. Which dosa­ge should I choose?

    We recom­mend (depen­ding on body weight, seve­ri­ty of pain) to start with the 5% or 10% oil (2 sprays or 1–3 drops) and test this regu­lar­ly (as long as no inter­ac­tions appear) 3 times a day for seve­ral weeks.
    Howe­ver, we advi­se against con­sum­ing more than 10 sprays or 10 drops per day.
    If the­re is no posi­ti­ve effect, it is advi­sa­ble to choo­se the CBD oil with a hig­her CBD effi­ci­en­cy. CBD oils should be used for at least 6–12 weeks. Then take a week off. Plea­se dis­cuss the use of CBD pro­ducts with your doctor.

  6. Who should­n’t use CBD products?

    Pregnant women and child­ren under the age of 6 should refrain from using CBD products.

  7. What are full spec­trum CBD oils?

    Our CBD oils are always based on a high-qua­li­ty MCT car­ri­er oil. Alt­hough this is a con­ceiv­a­b­ly expen­si­ve vari­ant of a car­ri­er oil, the MCT oil offers a much hig­her bio­avai­la­bi­li­ty of the acti­ve ingre­di­ent in the orga­nism than any other known vari­ant, such as hemp seed oil or oli­ve oil, etc.. We offer our CBD Oils in the fol­lo­wing strengths: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% We also pro­du­ce our CBD oils in 2 vari­ants:
    Full-spec­trum CBD oil, which as a full-spec­trum oil con­ta­ins CBD (can­na­bi­di­ol) as the main acti­ve ingre­di­ent as well as extra­c­ted CBDV, CBDA, CBG, CBC and ter­pe­nes and thus offers the full “entou­ra­ge effect”. The­se oils have a mild, but noti­ceable, slight­ly gras­sy hemp fla­vor. The THC per­cen­ta­ge in the­se oils is less than 0.02%.

    Or our CBD iso­la­te oils that only con­tain MCT car­ri­er oil and CBD. No other can­na­bi­no­ids like THC, CBG, CBDA, ter­pe­nes, etc. are included here.

  8. What are CBD capsules?

    Con­tai­ning 10mg of full-spec­trum CBD, our vege­ta­ri­an CBD cap­su­les are regis­tered with the CPNP as a cos­me­tic pro­duct — they are our encap­su­la­ted oral care oil.
    CBD = can­na­bi­di­ol, CAS no. 13956–29‑1.
    Our CBD cap­su­les con­sist of hemp oil, hemp extra­ct (CBD), natu­ral vit­amin E, starch gela­tin, vege­ta­ble gly­ce­rin and water.
    Our full spec­trum CBD oil con­ta­ins CBD, CBDV, CBDA, CBG, CBC and ter­pe­nes, pro­vi­ding the full entou­ra­ge effect.
    CBD con­tent: 10mg / cap­su­le
    Can con­tent: 30 cap­su­les, each with 10mg CBD from full-spec­trum extra­ct
    NOTE: The­se cap­su­les are made from full-spec­trum CBD extra­ct, while most of the cap­su­les on offer are made from CBD crys­tals and do NOT con­tain any other can­na­bi­no­ids that lead to the so-cal­led “entou­ra­ge effect”. This is a qua­li­ta­tively essen­ti­al dif­fe­rence. Plea­se pay atten­ti­on to this when you compa­re the pro­ducts with each other.
    A com­plex labo­ra­to­ry extra­c­tion pro­cess ensu­res the high­ly con­cen­tra­ted “gol­den” CBD oil extra­cts we use, which con­tain the full spec­trum of plant sub­s­tances, con­sis­ting of phy­to­can­na­bi­no­ids (CBD, CBG, CBC…) and ter­pe­nes.
    The THC con­tent is less than 0.02%.
    The extra­cts we use come from pesti­ci­de-free and her­bici­de-free cultivation.

  9. What is the entou­ra­ge effect?

    The entou­ra­ge effect descri­bes the inter­ac­tion of all hemp sub­s­tances in com­bi­na­ti­on. The bio­lo­gi­cal effect is the­r­e­fo­re hig­her than if the sub­s­tances are used indi­vi­du­al­ly. This entou­ra­ge effect can enhan­ce the bene­fi­ci­al pro­per­ties of CBD.

    The CBD entou­ra­ge effect is the inter­ac­tion of all:
    - Can­na­bi­no­ids
    - ter­pe­nes
    - Fla­vio­ni­des
    - resins
    This effect is used in full-spec­trum and broad-spec­trum CBD products.

  10. What is MCT car­ri­er oil?

    MCT is a medi­um chain tri­gly­ce­ri­de — coco­nut oil to increase the absorp­ti­on (upt­ake) of cannabinoids.

  11. What are cannabinoids?

    can­na­bi­no­ids are che­mi­cal com­pounds that natu­ral­ly occur in over 100 dif­fe­rent can­na­bi­no­ids in the can­na­bis plant. They are part­ly respon­si­ble for the diver­se medi­cal effects that can­na­bis can have on the body. Can­na­bi­di­ol (CBD) is a can­na­bi­no­id that, as a natu­ral plant sub­s­tance, can be useful for a wide varie­ty of ailm­ents due to its ver­sa­ti­le pro­per­ties. It can sup­port the phy­si­que and psy­che, redu­ce stressful situa­tions and balan­ce the inflamm­a­to­ry meta­bo­lism in humans and our pets. It can be a real alter­na­ti­ve to minimize/easier to endu­re cer­tain side effects of dise­a­ses. Plea­se always dis­cuss the use of CBD pro­ducts with your doc­tor beforehand!

  12. What are terpenes?

    Ter­pe­nes are all num­e­rous acti­ve plant sub­s­tances, they are respon­si­ble for the cha­rac­te­ristic scent, for example.